Mar 23, 2008

Poker variants

Some info about the most popular types of poker played worldwide.
Information is from the Wikipedia
  • Draw poker: any poker variant in which each player is dealt a complete hand before the first betting round, and then develops the hand for later rounds by replacing, or "drawing", cards.
  • Stud poker: any of a number of poker variants in which each player receives a mix of face-down and face-up cards dealt in multiple betting rounds. Stud games are also typically non-positional games, meaning that the player who bets first on each round may change from round to round (it is usually the player whose face-up cards make the best hand for the game being played). The cards dealt face down to each individual player are called hole cards (which gave rise to the common English expression ace in the hole, which suggests that one has something valuable that is hidden from view).
  • Texas hold 'em (also hold'em, holdem) is the most popular poker game in the casinos and poker card rooms across North America and Europe. Hold 'em is a community card game where each player may use any combination of the five community cards and the player's own two hole cards to make a poker hand, in contrast to poker variants like stud or draw where each player holds a separate individual hand.
  • Omaha hold 'em (or Omaha holdem or simply Omaha) is a community card poker game (often referred to as a "flop game") similar to Texas hold'em where each player is dealt four cards and must make his best hand using exactly two of them, plus exactly three of the five community cards.

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